Together we can fight hunger in our community!

To Our Valued Turtle Jack’s Guests,

We recognize that the appearance of COVID-19 in our daily lives is cause for concern and uncertainty. Though the information around this unfamiliar virus continues to shift each day, we at Turtle Jack’s remain constant in our endeavour to provide a safe, healthy and comfortable experience for our valued Guests and team members.

To respect the latest government policies regarding hospitality, our restaurant dining rooms have closed; however, some locations continue to offer takeout and delivery to help ease the strain on grocery chains and provide options to the public.

It is important for us to convey that in addition to our regular food safety and strict cleanliness practices, we are taking additional measures with our staff and in our kitchens to support the fight against COVID and aid in your comfort.
  • Any staff member who has recently traveled or indicates any sign of sickness must stay home.

  • Increased sanitization methods have been taken in regard to any working staff and within our kitchens.

  • Take-out and delivery bags are prepared in a thoroughly sanitized area and are sealed with a sticker to assure the contents are not touched until they arrive at their destination.

  • Our delivery partners have assured us that they too are enhancing their policies and procedures.

  • Participating restaurants are offering 20% off and curb-side delivery. Simply call ahead to confirm, as some locations have reduced hours of operations.
Skip the Dishes logo   Uber Eats logo   
We know that sitting down to enjoy a meal should be the welcome break in your day and not a cause for concern. Please know that your health and safety, and that of our own employees remains a top priority for us, and is a guiding factor in all that we do.

Stay well.
Jim Lishman

President, Turtle Jack’s